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Here is an update to the backcountry fire at Rocky Mountain National Park.  The trails to the park are still open.

Tundra in Rocky Mountain National Park
Image via Wikipedia


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Loaded Guns Now Allowed in Our National Parks by Law

How to Treat Rattlesnake Bites

Learn to identify edible wild plants with Edible Wild Plants Cards.

Goose Down Sleeping Bags

Kid Sleeping Bags

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Our National Park are a legacy to be treasured and protected.

Our National Parks are an affirmation of our desire to preserve natural beauty and wildlife within our borders. They are symbols of our commitment to the conservation of wild lands everywhere on our planet. As lofty as that may sound, at least it is an ideal that we should strive towards.

Ken Burns’ six-episode documentary should change the attitudes of all of us. Let’s take our National Parks for granted no more. The’re not just scenic spots but also testimonials to the epic struggles of a few visionaries who gave us an inestimable gift.

Read the whole National Parks blog post here.


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Should Wolf Hunting Be Allowed?

7 Ways to Put Wilderness into Your Daily Life

Hand Sanitizer aka Fire Starter

Backpacking Tents

Learn to tie knots with Knot Playing Cards.

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It has become more and more clear to California’s Governor and Legislature that closing California’s State Parks would cost more than keeping them open.

One very large issue is a legal one. If someone were hurt or killed on State Park property, even if it was closed and proper signs were put up, the state would be liable.

Here are a couple of other issues that have been brought to light. How do you fence such large tracts of land? How do you keep cannabis growers off these lands whose custodians have been laid off?

We are now being told that the closure list is shortening (Source). Bless you, Sacramento.

I would just as soon that someone burn the list completely.

by Richard Davidian


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A Double Whammy against Insects

Safety Features and Injury Decline: The Disconnect

Hand Sanitizer aka Fire Starter

Roof Cargo Boxes

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Our primary job in our quest to rescue our ecology and save our planet from oblivion is not to change behavior. It is, rather, to change attitudes. With those changes,  behavior will follow.

Aldo Leopold said:

Recreational development is a job not of building roads into the lovely country, but of building receptivity into the still unlovely human mind.

I’m convinced that he got it right.

by Richard Davidian


Save Our State Parks

Survival Playing Cards

Federal Planning for Our Forests

Sleeping Gear